I decided to divide day four of London Fashion Week AW18 into two posts because a lot happened that day. Plus, I didn’t want to overwhelm you guys to sleep with too much awesomeness. 🙂 The second part of the day is a contrast between …
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London Fashion Week Autumn/Winter ’18: Day Four Part 1
If there’s one thing I can take from Attending London Fashion Week, it is the fact that it is the Ultimate 5 day Helter SKetler Weightloss Challenge! With Shows in every corner of the city and the poor excuse of navigation that my brain is, …
London Fashion Week Autumn/Winter ’18: Day Three
Sharon Wauchob For London Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 18 collection Sharon focused on the extremes of obvious and hidden femininity. Her need to keep a raw attitude to couture through splicing hand embroideries on satin coats. Elongating traditional silk dresses and pairing them with oversized Napa …
London Fashion Week AW18: Day Two
Hello guys! How have you been? For me well, I blinked and boom! Saturday night, no warning whatsoever. No partying for me. Tonight i am dedicating it to day two of London Fashion Week (LFW) AW18. Here goes.
London Fashion Week AW18: Day One
2018 was a bit slow in the beginning until I stepped foot in London. With only a few days left on my UK visa you know I had to make the best out of it. What better way than doing what I love best which …
London Fashion Week SS18: Day Two
Day two of London Fashion Week SS18 was a busier day for me. On this day I had the honour of attending four amazing shows. Something to note is that the spring and summer of 2018 will be filled with lots of pastels, ruffles, lots …
London Fashion Week Spring/Summmer ’18: Day One
Everything you want is on the other side of fear. If you are an avid follower of my instagram page you will notice that I posted a photo I created with the above quote. Reason being sometimes the fear of rejection cripples me to the …
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, What About the Lilacs?
She Walks in Beauty: She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One …
When in Doubt, Wear Red….I Mean Burgundy and Co-ords
Friday is here . I am still on a roll 😉 For those of you who follow me on social media you know Fridays are Snapchat Fridays! On this day I shamelessly walk around holding my phone up sharing my day with you. Fridays are …