Well, I gave up after day 3. Weight lost: 2.6kgs in 3days My conclusion: It is a good diet if you wish to lose weight fast eg for a wedding or like Beyonce for a role in a movie otherwise it is totally not worth …
Beyonce’s Lemonade Tag Archives
Day 2 of 10/14 Tuesday, 27.03.2012
Weight: 56.6kgs Waist: 66cm Hips: 94cm Progress: I woke up with a terrible tummy ache! It’s prolly coz I took the laxative tea last night. I was quite busy today and didn’t want to drink the lemonade before doing the salt water flash. I just …
Day 1 of 10/14 :) Monday 28.03.2012
Weight: 57.6kgs Waist: 68cm Hips: 94Progress: Well, I didn’t do the salt water flush. I decided to do it tomorrow. What do I think of the ‘lemonade’…..yuck!!!!! I really dont like the taste of the maple syrup. So for the 1st cup, I drunk it …
Master Cleanser Diet
So I have decided to try out this diet 🙂 I have failed at every diet but I will try to go through this 7day diet. I will post details of my weight and measurements tomorrow morning. What my diet will consist of i) 5-10glasses …